Irrigation Water
Irrigation water is off until repairs are complete, hopefully on Monday, April 19th.
We hope to have everything up and running after that. Watch for signs and announcements to confirm.
Jim Jackson,
Irrigation water is off until repairs are complete, hopefully on Monday, April 19th.
We hope to have everything up and running after that. Watch for signs and announcements to confirm.
Jim Jackson,
The link for the April 14 HOA meeting has been emailed to everyone who has requested it so far. If you do not see it in your inbox, please check your spam or trash box.
You may also use the link below. Meeting starts at 7PM on the 14th.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 993 4879 4818
Passcode: 362044
Jim Jackson
Info for the April Comstock Estates HOA Zoom meeting Read More »
The Comstock Estates irrigation water system is scheduled to be turned on the morning of Saturday, April 17.
1. It is very important that all of the valves on the homeowner’s system be CLOSED before water is turned on for the first time. Close the valve on your system before water is turned on April 17 to avoid flooding of your yard when water enters our irrigation system. Too many of us have learned this from experience.
2. Please make any needed repairs ahead of time with the repair company of the homeowner’s choice. Determine whether your system needs repairs between now and Saturday, April 17. This would include any visible problems to your pipes/pumps or any known/existing problems.
3. We ask that all homeowners and tenants bring their home irrigation systems on line as soon as the water becomes available on April 17. Chuck’s Sprinkler Services will perform the opening of the main valve on Saturday, April 17. Check later in the morning (probably after 10 am) to see if your water has arrived by turning your valve on.
4. Questions?
Irrigation Water Turn On Read More »
The next board meeting for Comstock Estates HOA will be Wednesday, April 14.
The meeting will begin at 7pm and end approximately 8:30pm. This meeting is open to anyone to attend
and would normally be held at Fruita Community Center. Because of limitations still in place at the
Community Center, we will hold this meeting via Zoom. Please email if you
would like to attend via the zoom link. The link will be emailed to you by Tuesday evening, April 13. If
you requested the link and do not see it in your email, please check your spam/junk box as they
sometimes have ended up there.
Jim Jackson
April Board Meeting Read More »
Our annual board meeting for all residents is this coming Wednesday, January 13th, at 7 pm. Due to COVID restrictions, we will have the meeting via Zoom. Please email to receive an email invitation to the zoom meeting. Be sure to include your name and address in the email.
We will have the draft 2021 budget available on the Comstock HOA website for your review in the event you have any questions. The president position is currently vacant and we will be taking nominations and holding an election for that position.
If you have anything else that you would like to have added to the agenda, please contact me at
Jim Jackson
President Pro Tempore
For those who have tried to log into their Paypal accounts to make a payment. The code has been corrected and is now working as should be. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
From Lori R. Wood, Broker, Graystone Group, Comstock Estates
“The irrigation water will be shut down next Monday. Chuck’s Sprinkler called me and will be in the subdivision on Monday and Tuesday if there are any problems. Text or message me on Facebook and I’ll get you in touch with help if a problem arises. Shutdown is always much easier than spring turn on!”
For additional information on the irrigation system see the irrigation page listed under the heading “About” on the Comstock Estates website.
Bob Handford
Irrigation Water Shut Off Read More »
As overnight temperatures drop it is a good idea to monitor the forecast and take precautions to prevent damage to your system. If concerned, turn off the water to your pump, drain the valves on your pump and leave valves open halfway.
Bob Handford
Lower Temperatures and Irrigation Water Read More »
After what seems like a long hiatus, Comstock Estates will hold a public meeting Wednesday, October 14th. The meeting will be held at the Fruita Community Center in the Cherry Room. The meeting time will be from 5:30 pm until 6:30 pm.
Covid 19 restrictions will require different arrangements than we have had in the past. The one room we were able to reserve has a 50% capacity of 15 people. Six of those will be the board members and our property manager, Lori Wood. The leaves room for 9 homeowners to be in physical attendance. If Covid 19 restrictions are still in place at the time of our January meeting we will attempt to get a larger space.
Another change is that the hours of operation for the center have been reduced. That is why we will start the meeting earlier, at 5:30 pm. We will need to stop the meeting at 6:30 pm so that all the furniture can be replaced and the room cleaned up. The center will close at 7pm.
While in the center all of us will be wearing our masks and will be social distancing. We ask that one representative per home attend to provide the most representation of homes that we can.
The doors to the Cherry Room will open at 5:30 sharp. For the 9 spaces available, admission will be first come, first served.
We will attempt to have digital viewing of the meeting. This will be a first for our association. The media will be ZOOM. If you would like to sign up for this presentation, please contact HOA Secretary, Jim Jackson by email or text as follows:
email: or text: 314.973.8498
The board is excited to hold this meeting and move forward to some semblance of normal operations.
Best Wishes to all,
Bob Handford,\President
Comstock Estates HOA Board of Directors (801.638.8707)
Comstock Estates Public Meeting Announcement Read More »