Irrigation Water
Water is now on.
Robert Handford, President
There is a water break on Anthracite. Water will be off until repairs can be made. Will notify when water is back on.
Robert Hanford,
The irrigation system will be shut off from 11 am to 2 pm on Tuesday, July 14th while a repair is made to the irrigation system on Garnet.
Bob Hanford
Irrigation water is on.
Bob Handford
Irrigation Water On 6-15-20; 4:00 pm Read More »
For reasons unknown, the irrigation water has been shut off by the Ditch Company. We are currently investigating and will report when the cause and the estimated duration are known.
Robert Handford, Board President
Irrigation water is off 6-15-2020; 12:20 pm Read More »
The Comstock HOA Board of Directors understands and appreciates the concern voiced by some residents about flags that are not the American flag or Service flags. At this point, with the current Federal and Colorado law, the HOA covenants, and legal advice we have obtained – political signs are political signs while flags of a political nature are a different thing.
Currently, flags bearing a political theme are difficult to define under current Colorado law, and are not restricted by the Comstock HOA CCRs. Until case law dealing with this subject matter establishes more clarity on political flags, the Board does not plan to take any action on political flags at this time. The recent policy statement issued by the Board makes clear the status of the United States of America flag and military service flags.
The Board has very carefully considered the matter of the flags. Many hours have been spent in discussion and review of local, state, and federal statutes. We have reviewed every action through our attorney and listened carefully to his advice. The Board is intensely aware that this is a very sensitive issue, with high passions attached to it. Thank you for your understanding.
Respectfully yours,
Robert W. Handford, President
On behalf of the Comstock Estates Homeowners Association Board of Directors
For your reference, the website may be new, but the address is the same – Please visit the website to access pertinent HOA information and to subscribe to receive future HOA related emails.
Clarification regarding flags in Comstock Estates Read More »
Submitted by The Board of Directors for Comstock Estates HOA, 5-19-20
Clarification regarding display of political signs and flags in Comstock Estates Read More »
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Announcement by Comstock Estates HOA Board of Directors, 5-19-20
DURING THE COVID STAY-AT-HOME AND SAFER-AT-HOME conditions, the Board of Directors continues to meet monthly per Covenant requirements on the second Wednesday at 7 pm. However, these meetings are conducted via telephone conferencing. If you have an issue that needs to be addressed at a Board meeting, feel free to contact the Board. Arrangements will be made to include you on the agenda for the next month’s meeting. Contact link:
Posted by Becky Chesnut, Communications Facilitator, Comstock Estates HOA, for Robert W. Handford, President