We are a Neighborhood Watch Community
For Emergencies dial 911
For non-emergencies during normal business hours call Fruita PD at 970-858-3008
The Neighborhood Watch program is all of us working together and communicating to reduce criminal opportunity.
Neighborhood Watch operates on the principles of deter, delay, and detect.
Good residential security practices and good locks are a deterrent since they eliminate the opportunity for an easy burglary.
Delaying a burglar for four minutes is generally considered sufficient to prevent entry into a house or apartment. A burglar wants to avoid being caught,
so the longer it takes to force a door or window, the greater his risk. The burglar wants to avoid making noise – like breaking glass or smashing doors –
and he wants to avoid attracting attention. It is nearly impossible to make a house or apartment impregnable – but it is relatively easy and inexpensive to
make forced entry difficult, thus, delaying the burglar.
The possibility of detection is increased IF you can delay a burglar, IF you can force him to work where he can be observed, and IF he will have to make
noise or attract attention. Alarms on doors and windows are the surest way to detect a burglar, but watchful neighbors, alert to unusual activity who will
notify law enforcement authorities, are an effective means of detection. Doorbells with video components or surveillance cameras with alerts may also
help detect criminal activity.
You can take positive steps to decrease the likelihood that your house will be burglarized when you keep in mind the principles of deter, delay and detect.
- Take time to conduct your own security check.
- Ensure all exterior doors and windows have solid locks
- Install pins or dowels in sliding glass doors to provide extra reinforcement
- Trim shrubs and bushes so burglars do not have cover to hide
- Check for dark spaces around your home and add motion lights if necessary
- Keep exterior lights on at night
- Visit the National Crime Prevention Council website for additional ideas and a more comprehensive checklist.
- Take time to conduct your own security check.
Get to know your neighbors as they can be helpful as well. If they know you and your family, what type of car you drive, and when you will be away from home, etc.
they can be an extra set of eyes. Your neighbor could be the first to spot a burglar in your window or a strange car in your driveway and call 911 or the Fruita PD.
We all need to help the police department function effectively.
For further information on Neighborhood Watch or if you have questions you can call Jim Jackson, HOA Secretary, at 314-973-8498.