Legal name: Comstock Estates Home Owners Association
Description: Single Family Subdivision with 312 homes and common areas. Park is owned by Fruita city.
Schools: Shelledy Elementary, Fruita Middle School, Fruita 8-9, and Fruita Monument High School
2020 Board of Directors: Robert Handford, President; Jim Jackson, Secretary; Sam Russo, Treasurer; Joan Robinson and Andrea Withrow, Members-at-Large.
Location: Fruita, Colorado
Street Names: Amelia Rose Court, Anthracite Drive, Celestite Drive, Comstock Drive, Cripple Creek Drive, Forty-Niner Drive, Galena Drive, Garnet Drive, Gold Rush Drive, Jasper Drive, Mica Drive, North Annabelle Court, Nugget Drive, Pioneer Drive, Placer Drive, Silver Plume Drive, South Annabelle Court.