Covenant Compliance Update

The covenant compliance volunteers were out last week and noticed approximately 70 homes with weeds, mostly in gravel areas. They also noticed another ten homes with neglected maintenance on their lawns. The volunteers would like to go back a second time to ensure it was not a one time occurrence before we send out compliance letters. Please do a yard check for weeds and general lawn maintenance. Our HOA landscaper has had crews out extra to tackle the HOA’s weeds as well. The weeds are bad this year just like last year.

Covenant Compliance Update Read More »

The Comstock Estates irrigation water system is scheduled to be turned on the morning of Saturday, April 22

1. It is very important that all of the valves on the homeowner’s system be CLOSED before water is turned on for the first time. Close the valve on your system before water is turned on April 22 to avoid flooding of your yard when water enters our irrigation system. Too many of us have learned this from experience.

2. Please make any needed repairs ahead of time with the repair company of the homeowner’s choice. Determine whether your system needs repairs between now and Saturday, April 22. This would include any visible problems to your pipes/pumps or any known/existing problems.

3. We ask that all homeowners and tenants bring their home irrigation systems on line as soon as the water becomes available on April 22. Chuck’s Sprinkler Services will perform the opening of the main valve on Saturday, April 22. Check later in the morning (probably after 10 am) to see if your water has arrived by turning your valve on.

  • If it seems to be working fine, you can turn off your valve and open it when you intend on using the water for your yard.
  • If your system springs a leak or isn’t working, Chuck’s Sprinkler Services will have several crews and trucks available in the area to perform immediate repairs to systems that exhibit leaks on start up. Please contact Chuck’s Sprinkler at 970-243-6294 for these immediate repairs on that day. Some leaks or system problems may require an immediate shut down of the system to complete repairs.
  • To minimize additional stress on our irrigation system and disruptions in homeowner’s normal lawn care cycles we ask that all homeowners check their systems on April 22nd. In years past, some homeowners delayed initial use of their systems for up to 3 weeks, only to discover a problem that required a shut-down of the system to fix. These additional start-ups and shut-downs could have possibly been avoided, and we would like to minimize these as much as possible.
    • If a homeowner is going to be out of town the weekend of April 22 and 23, it would be very beneficial if they could arrange for a neighbor or trusted friend to check their system on Saturday and help coordinate any access and repairs if they are needed.

4. Questions?

  • If you are new to Grand Valley irrigation systems, you might talk to your neighbors to get a few pointers.
  • Questions about this announcement and preparations for “water on” please call as follows:
    1. Chuck’s Sprinkler: 970-243-6294
    2. Property Manager Lori Wood: 970-234-5674
    3. HOA President Jim Jackson: 314-973-8498

The Comstock Estates irrigation water system is scheduled to be turned on the morning of Saturday, April 22 Read More »

Comstock Estates Annual Meeting Zoom Link

The previous email had an incorrect date. Please use the following zoom link to attend the meeting on Wednesday, January 11th at 7:00PM.

Comstock Estates HOA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Comstock Estates Annual Meeting
Time: Jan 11, 2023 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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