Comstock Estates HOA Residents,
We welcomed 9 new homeowners to our neighborhood this past year.
We had a new contract for landscaping this year. We feel they did a good job with the dry pond. We are working on the contract to have the landscaping repaired along the fence in the dry pond.
Thank you to everyone that submitted Architectural Control Committee forms this year for work to be done on their property. For those who are considering upcoming work, the forms are available on our website. Also, by now your main irrigation valve should be open to prevent freezing this winter.
Our annual meeting on January 8 as well as quarterly Board meetings in April, July and October will continue to be at Cavalcade again this year. Cavalcade, located at 201 East Aspen in downtown Fruita, is an all-volunteer non-profit performing arts venue created by Fruita CO residents. For the January annual meeting, if you want a proxy, please contact Lori at Board members should not be proxy voters for residents.
A reminder that HOA dues need to be in by January 31 to avoid any late payments. Hopefully the new electronic payment option is working for everyone that chose it.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year
Comstock Estates HOA Board