Scam Targeting Owners in Associations.

Comstock Estates HOA

We have been notified by an HOA near Lake City Colorado of a scam that targeted their HOA members just recently. Some members received an email purportedly from a Board member asking for assistance in paying a vendor online and promising to reimburse them later that day.  

We will never ask for “assistance” like that. Also there will never be any surprise additional payments you do not know about already. 

All official HOA emails and correspondence will come from Lori Wood at or from our website via eBlasts like this one. Annual assessments come from comstockhoainvoices@gmail.

If you receive anything else, do not respond and notify Lori or a board member immediately. As always please reach out to us if you have any questions.

Scam Targeting Owners in Associations. Read More »

Annual Meeting Reminder

Just a reminder, the Annual Members Meeting on Wed, Jan. the 8th at 7 pm. Location is Cavalcade at 2021 Aspen Ave., Fruita. Hope everyone can attend the important annual meeting.

New officers will be elected. If you are interested in being on the board or helping with a committee, please attend this important meeting. Learn what’s going on in the the HOA.

If you are unable to attend, let Lori know if you need a Proxy by emailing her at and she will email you one back. Those without email, can call her at 970-234-5674.

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Annual Meeting Notification and Letter from the Board

Comstock Estates HOA Residents,

We welcomed 9 new homeowners to our neighborhood this past year.

We had a new contract for landscaping this year.  We feel they did a good job with the dry pond. We are working on the contract to have the landscaping repaired along the fence in the dry pond.

Thank you to everyone that submitted Architectural Control Committee forms this year for work to be done on their property.  For those who are considering upcoming work, the forms are available on our website. Also, by now your main irrigation valve should be open to prevent freezing this winter.

Our annual meeting on January 8 as well as quarterly Board meetings in April, July and October will continue to be at Cavalcade again this year. Cavalcade, located at 201 East Aspen in downtown Fruita, is an all-volunteer non-profit performing arts venue created by Fruita CO residents. For the January annual meeting, if you want a proxy, please contact Lori at  Board members should not be proxy voters for residents.

A reminder that HOA dues need to be in by January 31 to avoid any late payments.  Hopefully the new electronic payment option is working for everyone that chose it.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year

Comstock Estates HOA Board

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Annual Invoice Notification

Please watch your email system for an email from to verify that we have your correct and CURRENT email address.  Please mark “” as acceptable and not SPAM. If you do not receive the verification email or would like the Mgr. to use a different address or if you prefer to have your invoice USPS mailed to you, please notify Lori, HOA Mgr. in writing of your preference by replying to this email — otherwise Owners’ invoices will go to the addresses that the Mgr. has on file.  If the Mgr does not have an email address for an Owner, their invoice will be USPS mailed to them. Please do not call or text Lori to change your address.

Some Owners have used a different email address for this website announcement system. That information is not integrated into the Mgr’s. accounting system. They are separate systems.

Please watch for your Annual invoice that will go out mid-December and will include a link to pay online if you prefer.  You can still pay via a check, money order.  If you would like to pay with cash, there is a secure drop box on the Mgrs. door. 

Thank You,

Comstock HOA Management

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New City Trashcan Assistance Request

Attention Comstock Estates Homeowners,

The Board and the HOA manager have noticed, and it was discussed at the July Quarterly meeting, that some owners are experiencing difficulties bringing in their new, larger city trash cans.

To support our elderly neighbors and those who may be ill or out of town, we encourage you to lend a hand by helping them bring their trash cans behind their fences. This assistance might also include taking the cans out on trash day.

A brief conversation with the homeowner in need of help would be greatly appreciated. Your efforts will contribute to the overall appearance and harmony of our community by ensuring trash cans are not left out.

Thank you for your cooperation and community spirit.

Sincerely, The Comstock Estates HOA Board of Directors

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